Jewelry Glossary with Photos: I
Posted by Laurie Zeiden on
ID BRACELET: Chain bracelet with panel large enough for engraved name
IMITATION GEMSTONE: Substitute for gems; usually made of glass
INLAY: Stones or glass embedded in such a way that the surface is level
INTAGLIO: Method of decoration in which the design is cut into the reverse of the surface
IRIDESCENCE: Reflection of light bouncing off internal features of a gemstone
INVISIBLE SETTING: Technique developed in France in which stones are set closely together in grooves giving the appearance of no setting at all
Photos courtesy of The Dealhuntress, a shop on Ruby Lane
ITALIAN HORN: Good luck symbol in the shape of a horn; also called cornuto, corno, or cornicello
IVORY: Natural material from elephant and walrus tusks; whiter than bone; with cross-hatched grain lines
The Jewelry Glossary is a work in progress: As I add more posts, you can access them here:
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