Jewelry Glossary with Photos: F
Posted by Laurie Zeiden on
FAUX: French word translates to fake or imitation
FAUX PEARLS: Imitation pearls
FEDE: Design motif of clasped hands
FESTOON: Draping design
FIBULA: Clasp which closes like a safety pin
FIGA: Design with thumb between second and middle finger of a clenched fist
FILIGREE: Metal twisted into ornate, often lacy patterns; see CANNETILLE
FINDINGS: The hardware used to assemble jewelry such as bails, jump rings, and clasps
FINIFT: Russian enamel work usually with solid background and colorful images
FLEUR-DE-LIS: Stylized lily flower with three petals joined near the base
FLUX: Material used when soldering
FOB: A short chain or ribbon that attaches to a pocket watch; it frequently has a decorative medallion or charm attached at one end which is also called a fob
FOIL: A thin sheet of bright metal behind glass or crystal
FOLD-OVER CLASP: Hinged finding which folds and locks shut
FOOL'S GOLD: A common term for PYRITE, a shiny yellowish mineral
FRENCH CLIP: A spring clip that utilizes tension to hold an earring in place against the back of ear.
FRENCH IVORY: Also called IVORINE; a type of celluloid developed in France to imitate ivory
FRENCH JET: A type of black glass used to imitate JET in mourning jewelry
FRESHWATER PEARLS: Pearls produced inside mussels
FRIT: A gritty, glass material used as a design feature in some jewelry; see CORALENE
FRUIT SALAD: Costume jewelry made first in the 1920s with colorful stones; also called TUTTI FRUTTI starting in the early 1970s
FUR CLIP: Brooch with a spring clip and metal teeth or prongs; used to hold a fur stole together
The Jewelry Glossary is a work in progress: As I add more posts, you can access them here:
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